Hacker sitting in room on computer setting up Google Ad Conversion Tracking

How To Set Up Google Ad Conversion Tracking With Clickfunnels


If you’re an advertiser, marketer, or business owner, there comes a point in your journey where you’re ready to test the products you’ve built with the market and see how they perform.


It’s important to know how much traffic you’re getting how many clicks and how many sales so that you can optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI and success.


You can do this with conversion tracking.


There are a variety of ways that you can install Google Ad conversion tracking on a website.


1. Doing it yourself

2. Emailing it to a developer

3. Using Google Tag Manager.


But the thought of setting this up can send some marketers running for the hills.

After all… Conversion tracking sounds complicated. Especially if you aren’t tech-savvy.


If you’re looking for how to set up Google Ad conversion tracking with Clickfunnels don’t worry.


In today’s article, we will be discussing the easiest most painless way to set it up yourself without the use of google tag manager. So you can get your campaigns up and running without getting overwhelmed.




How To Set Up Google Ad Conversion Tracking With Clickfunnels

Step 1: Create A Conversion Action

Google Ad Conversion Tracking photo of google ad account

In order to set up your Google Ad tracking properly we will be copying and pasting conversion code to the back end of your Clickfunnels website. We can find this tracking code from our Google Ads account.


Once logged into your Google Ads you will need to do the following…


1. Select tools and settings, then click conversions. 

2. Select the blue button, new conversion action.


In this example, we will be creating a new conversion tracking goal for our submitted lead forms funnel. So I will name it submitted lead form test 4.


One thing that’s good to keep in mind is that anything can be counted as a conversion. For example, if you have a lead generation funnel you may want to track page views, lead form submissions, and completed registrations.


For example, if you’re collecting lead form submissions for a dentist’s office you may want to save your conversion as dentist lead sign-ups. You can change the name of your conversions to anything you want. The most important thing is that you’ll remember the name for this conversion and what it means for your campaign.


In your brand new conversion action you created enter the following values…


1. Set your conversion name, value, and optimization goals

2. Select the correct conversion information that you want to track for your funnel. 


The conversion section is where all your conversion events will be stored for later use.





 Step 2: Defining Your Conversion Action In Settings

Google Ad Conversion Tracking photo of google ad account settings


After creating your conversion action in the example above and attaching your values click the bottom left section where it says tag setup.




Google Ad Conversion Tracking photo of additional settings

In the list of options from the tag set up select Install the tag yourself and it will open a menu with a dropdown where you will want to copy and paste the first piece of code called Google tag.


The code should look something like the following code below.



Example Tag Code:

<!– Global site tag (gtag.js) – Google Ads: AW-101010100 –>
<script async src=”https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=AW-101010100″></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag(‘js’, new Date());

gtag(‘config’, ‘AW-101010100’);





Step 3: Pasting Your Global Site Tag Code To Your Funnel

Google Ad Conversion Tracking photo of clickfunnels head tracking code

The global site tag is an important piece of code and it works together with the event snippet code.


If you’re familiar with Facebook ads. This code is very similar and is installed almost the same way except you will need to copy this code and paste it on the back end of your funnel in Clickfunnels.



To do so head to your Clickfunnels dashboard under funnel settings and paste the code under your head tracking code area. 


Now that the base of the code is installed all you have to do from here is add your event snippets to every page you want to record.





Step 4: Installing Your Event Snippet Correctly

Google Ad Conversion Tracking photo of tracking code in funnel


Now that you have installed the body code of your conversion tracking code to your Clickfunnels. The next step is to install your event snippet to record your conversion actions. 


To do so, choose the page you would like to edit in your funnel to add your tracking code to. In this example, you will want to paste your event snippet code in the head of your Clickfunnels tracking code. To do this select the following…


1. Inside the page editor select settings

2. Select tracking code


Whether you’re tracking page views, lead form submissions, or purchases it’s important to add the event snippets code on the page you want to track after the conversion has been completed.


For example, if a customer puts their email and phone number in you would want to put the tracking code on the following page to count it as a completed conversion.


If your tracking page views, your event snippet code can be on the same page that you want the action to be counted.


Save the funnel and tracking installation should be complete.


After setting up this code you will see a list of all your conversion events in Google ads. If it’s not working right away don’t worry. It usually takes several hours to a day for conversions to start recording accurately on Google.


There are other ways to see this information sooner. If you were using applications like Google Tag Manager this allows you to check immediately in real time on conversions with debugging mode. So if you are interested in those details be sure to check out How To Set Up Google Adwords Conversion Tracking With WordPress For an easy to follow guide.


If it still hasn’t started recording after a day there may be something wrong with the way the code is installed on the website. To trigger recording faster you can also visit the website and interact with it as if you were a customer to trigger the event to fire. If all other options fail there likely is an error in code installation.




Step 5: Tracking The Conversions You Created In Google

Now that you’ve learned how to set up Google Ad conversion tracking with Clickfunnels correctly you’ll want to make sure you choose which ones to track in your Google Ads dashboard so that you have an accurate recording of your funnel performance.


You can group conversions and track them as custom conversions or you can track each one separately. This is very useful if you have a campaign and you want to track sales or lead form submissions but don’t want to record every conversion under your dashboard at the same time.


You can do this by going to campaign settings and then adding the conversion under campaign goals.


If you want to track a specific goal for your campaign then you can add it as a custom conversion after you create your standard conversion under the conversions tab.




Google Ad Conversion Tracking With Clickfunnels Conclusion

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. How to set up Google Ad conversion tracking with Clickfunnels the right way. Without the use of Google Tag Manager for your funnel.


When it comes to conversion tracking. I can’t stress how important it is to record accurate records of your funnel’s performance.


Only with that information will you be able to make educated decisions based on data. Guiding you to what’s working with your funnels and campaigns.


Don’t want to install the code yourself? Click the link below to get it installed flawlessly by me and my team today.



===========> Click Here To Get The Code Installed <===========






What are some of the biggest challenges you face with conversion tracking for your funnels? Feel free to leave your thoughts below as comments are always welcome in the discussion.



See you in the next article! 🙂





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