What Is a Blog In Marketing


Websites, blogs, there all the same right? Wrong…


What Is A blog In Marketing Overview:


There is a lot of confusion over the topic of blogs and what they are online.

If you were to ask me years ago what a blog was. Chances are I would tell you it was the same as a website and that would be very wrong information.


Good thing you didn’t ask me then… Haha.


Truth is every website is not a blog and every blog is not a website.


Blogs are very different from websites and the concept of blogging has helped many people all over the world create a better life and income for themselves. You too can create an income and online business.


As a general rule websites fall under 3 categories.


Below we will discuss these differences to reveal the answer to the question “What is a blog in marketing?” As well as give you some helpful tips on how you can use one to start generating an income online.



Your gonna want a pen for this one!


What Is A blog In Marketing And What It Isn’t A Blog:


Back in the day I used to think of blogging as some sort of online diary where others would write about there deepest darkest secrets online. Turns out that thought isn’t too far off from the truth where blogging originated.


Blogging was introduced back in 1994 by Justin Hall. The first blogger in history. Although it wasn’t called blogging at that time. Justin created a blog Aka Web based journal called Justins Links From The Underground.


This web page was a detailed document of his life. Blogging has made many changes since the early 2000s.


Since blogs have become a powerful business platform and source for sharing information like news, articles, stories, updates and more offering the ability to monetize them and start making an additional income.


To help us understand What is a Blog In Marketing Websites generally fall under 3 categories.


Category #1. A Blog:

Blogs are focused around content posts and are regularly updated with content as a primary source.

In a blog you could expect to see things like weekly updates, product reviews, news, popular articles or any content based posts that are updated regularly.


An example of a blog would be www.inspiredesignz.com. Inspire Designz is focused on content that is the primary source such as digital marketing articles, product reviews and more.



What Is a Blog In Marketing: Photo of website blog in the beginning




Category #2.Websites:

An example of a website could be something like google or YouTube. Google is great at retrieving back information online.


Rather than focusing on any one centralized topic or discussion like a blog would google is a great website for researching information about any topic. There is not content that is being updated regularly around a specific topic.





Category #3. Websites with blogs:

Websites can also have blogs in them and not technically be a full blog website. An example of one could be a Restaurant website that has information about the store hours, location and menu.


This information is static and is Information that doesn’t typically change or get updated. This type of website could create a blog page about the best flame-grilled recipes for BBQ lovers.





What Is A blog In Marketing And How To Generate An Income:

So now we know that a blog is based off posts and content usually centralized around a particular topic that are updated Regularly. When you have a website that is focused around one particular topic this is also what you may hear referred to as a niche website. A niche website is a blog. These types of blogs have a great opportunity to generate an income for yourself.


By choosing an area of interest for your blog you would be attracting an audience and once you have that audience aka traffic you then have the opportunity to monetize that traffic and create an online business.


If you have some experience this may be making sense to you.

If not consider the following example…


Let’s say you have a website about Snowboarding gear that is attracting five thousand visitors per month.

I think it’s safe to say your audience would be people who snowboard who are interested in your snowboarding gear content.


Now with all those visitors coming to your online store Imagine if there was a way to add value to market to that audience. Maybe even offer them different products and services that may be helpful to them in their journey?


That is the beginning of what Blogging in marketing is all about.

When you get to the point where you can start monetizing your traffic you will have a business platform where you can make money online.



What Is A Blog In Marketing- Best Places To Learn How To Blog In Marketing:

Your blog can be about whatever you want. Some people Blog for pleasure and some blog for business. If your interested in starting a business in Blogging there are many great places to learn.


If you want to take your time building your business there are many free sources online like YouTube that can teach you how to build a website and different individual things involved with setting up a blog.


Instead of learning the process from one person or structured system the information is scattered and you will be getting it from several people’s point of view.


All of which may not be correct.


This is a legitimate way to learn but can take some time with trial and error because of lack of structure and direction. If time is not of the essence this is one way to do it.


Or, If your looking for a more structured way with a road map to success.

I highly recommend checking out wealthy affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is an online University that can teach you the ins and outs of building a profitable business online with structure and Intent.


Below are just some testimonials from real members in the community.


$452 One Platform One Day!!!

$100k Week Hard Work Payed Off Huge!!






So there you have it Ladies & Gentleman. What Is A Blog In Marketing.

I hope I have been able to give you greater clarity on the differences between websites and blogs in marketing.


With businesses all around the world shifting to Internet-based technology the future of blogging is only expected to grow over the coming years.


Do you have a dream of starting an online business?


Maybe you have an idea you haven’t quite launched off the ground? If so now has never been a better time to take advantage of the powerful business platform that blogs in marketing can offer.






As always if you have any comments or questions about today’s article please leave them below as comments are always welcome in the discussion.


See you on the next article! 🙂




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